An important victory in the fight for individual rights (as opposed to insurer rights) is the case of Yukumoto and HMSA v. Tawahara. In that case on May 26, 2017, the Hawaii Supreme Court rejected the efforts of a health insurer who tried to convert its insurance coverage into a ‘loan agreement’ and recover its medical expense payments from Mr. Yukumoto when he had a 3rd party claim – in spite of the fact that he was not being fully compensated for his losses. This insidious insurance practice has been damaging the citizens and members of the Hawaii community for many years. For more info, see, Yukumoto and HMSA v. Tawahara, Hawaii Sup. Ct. No. SCAP-15-0000460 (May 26, 2017).
Making a Claim
Accidents and personal injury claimsInitial steps
Deadlines for filing claims
Evaluating Your Claim